Mr. Professional had fallen in love with the white beauty. The next day
Mr. professional went to take Mr. Daniel in order to take him to site. But as
usual men will be men, as his eyes was continuously looking for white beauty.
Mr. Daniel “Hello, Mr. Professional, ready for site.” With decency and in a sad
tone he replied, “After you Sir”. “lâche le miel, nous obtenons la fin de”, Mr
Daniel said loudly. Suddenly Ms white beauty stepped out of the hotel and
cheered Mr professional. Oh my god one should see his face, पूरी बतीसी नज़र आ रही
है| J
At site Mr. Professional
was unable to concentrate on his work. He was continuously looking at her. Finally
our beautiful madam interacted and said “savez-vous français?”. He replied “only
English or Hindi, madame”.
“quel est votre
nom?” désolé, name????
“Mr. Prfessional”,
and yours???
“Nice name”
And thereafter
the vilian called Mr Professional, the head of the plant for daily status and
cute Love story took a pause.
In the evening there
was a party arranged for the foreign delegate for which Mr. Professional was
eagerly waiting, but before that he did a little bit exercise.
Now what was it
you need to wait.
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